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2000 AD Prog 2219

2000 AD Prog 2219
Stand and Deliver

Released 17th Feb 2021

Alec Worley, Pat Mills, Rob Williams, Kenneth Niemand & Mike Carroll
Ben Willsher, Jake Lynch, Leonardo Manco, Simon Fraser & Patrick Goddard
Jim Boswell, Jim Campbell & Dylan Teague
Annie Parkhouse, Jim Campbell , Simon Bowland & Simon Fraser
Cover Colourers
Dylan Teague & Patrick Goddard
Reprint Cover Artist
Mike Carroll


Episodes include:

Judge Dredd » Against the clock (part 1)

Mega-City One, 2143 AD. Home to over 160 million citizens, this urban hell is situated along the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America, with the irradiated wasteland known as the Cursed Earth to the west. Unemployment is rife, boredom universal and crime is rampant. Tensions rest on a knife-edge and only the zero tolerance Judges can stop total anarchy. Toughest of them all is JUDGE DREDD — he is the Law!

Sláine » Dragontamer (part 8)

Albion. Celtic warrior SLÁINE united the tribes of the Earth Goddess Danu and became the first High King of Ireland, but is now a wanderer, seeking adventure where the Goddess directs him. Having battled the Drune Lords on the Isle of Monadh, he’s now travelled to the city of New Troy, with the intention of taking the fight for Albion’s freedom to the tyrannical Emperor Brutus and his terrifying dragons...

PROTEUS VEX » The Shadow Chancellor (part 8)

Another galaxy, the far future. The centuries-long war between the Alliance and the Obdurate people is over, a conflict brought to an end with the deaths of billions when the Alliance teleported a dying white dwarf star into the Obdurate system. Imperium agent PROTEUS VEX was charged with finding Chancellor Rho 7 Baryon, and when the flesh-pilot that controls Vex entered Baryon’s body he absorbed some of his memories...

Durham Red » Served Cold (part 8)

Late 22nd century. Of all the mutants that have operated as Search/Destroy agents, perhaps the most feared is vampire DURHAM RED, who requires blood to survive. Mistrusted by both the criminals she hunts and her fellow Strontium Dogs, Red has a formidable reputation that precedes her, and she will often kill her quarries as much as capturing them to satisfy her thirst. Now, though, she’s a wanted felon herself...

Hershey » The Brutal (part 8)

Judge Barbara Hershey was one of Justice Department’s most respected and capable young officers before she became Chief Judge. Leading the city through numerous challenges, she only occasionally clashed with Dredd — until the ‘Small House’ affair and the revelation of Judge Smiley’s clandestine operations on her watch. Now, seriously ill from a microbial virus, she’s faked her death to deal with Smiley’s legacy...


Part of: